What are things about life that took you a long time to realize?

  1. Other people’s opinions don’t matter. Strangers opinions don’t matter. Unless you want them to.

  2. That there is usually not a perfect time to start something. To start a new career, move to another city, start dating, start your fitness journey, etc. A lot of new things you can’t be 1000% ready for, we’ll always be able to brainstorm excuses for why we’re not ready yet, but doing these new things is a part of growing and stepping outside of your comfort zone. If we keep ruminating and overthinking about things we hope to do someday, it won’t happen unless you step a bit outside of your head and just take the chance and live, as time waits for nobody.

  3. Life ain’t fair. You’d be bullied for being different and other people doesnt matter at all.

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