What’s your rough pub stories, flat roof pub anyone?

  1. Not me, but my dad. Somewhere in Warwickshire in the 90s. On a date with my mum, pretty early on. He got a sick and anxious feeling and demanded they both leave immediately, without finishing their drinks, refusing to hear her protests. So anyway he basically forced her out of the pub and less than a minute later, a man was glassed and bled out on the floor. My dad has an incredible sixth sense (crowded pub, nobody else had any feeling something was wrong, there wasn’t even an argument happening) so we all trust him now, haha

  2. Can’t remember the name of pub…I’m not saying it was rough but the first question on quiz night was “What the f@#k are you looking at?”

  3. In The Three Legs in Leeds once, I went for a piss. A guy at the urinal next to me struck up a conversation, which was fine, then he motioned as if he was about to leave the gents, but rested his hand on my shoulder and said “actually I’m not leaving mate, I’m just gonna smash a line of coke up my nose in there [motioning to the cubicle] if you know what I mean.” but in a sort of inviting way like he wanted me to join him.

    A) there was no door to the cubicle, so the toilet was in full view of the gents toilet overall

    B) there was no seat or cistern to the toilet itself, thus the only possible surface on which one could “smash a line of coke” up one’s nose from would be the rim of the toilet itself, which was not in a fit state for such activity

    C) of course I knew what he meant, what else could he possibly have meant by that?!

  4. Been in plenty rough looking pubs but nothing bad happens. Can’t really think of any bad experiences I’ve had in 15 years of pubgoing.

    Had a few things thrown at me while I’ve been working behind the bar for refusing people service, so that I suppose. The first pub I ever worked, on my first shift, I was told to go spread baby oil on all surfaces in the toilet to stop people racking out lines, and before I even made it to the toilet some drunkard grabs the bottle of baby oil out my hands and skooshes it all down his own crotch into his pants, like the full bottle. I just laughed like cool mate, if that’s what you want to do I’m happy for it to happen and I went back to serve drinks.

  5. Visited The ~~Dragon~~ Lamp in Sneinton many years ago, on a pub crawl. It was only about 7pm and it was mostly empty, just a couple of pensioners enjoying a pint together

    My brother said “heard it’s rough here, good job it’s empty otherwise it might be kicking off”

    A minute after that the two pensioners fell out and started squabbling, and within a few seconds it had escalated into a knife fight, both of them seemed very skilful and unable to score an injury on the other

    Instead of calling the police the bar staff just dragged them both out by the collar and told them to fuck off and don’t come back until they’d sobered up

    Edit: Was in The Lamp, not The Dragon, but The Dragon seemed pretty rough at the time too

  6. Place in Blackburn called the Atlantic, this was back in the late 90’s. Absolute dump of a place that had a really bad vibe to it, like at any second the place would kick off.

  7. Went to an Irish pub in Plumstead in the 80’s where a collection was taken “for the boys” and it was made really obvious to us English scummy students that if we didn’t put in we’d regret our life choices.

    Also in Plumstead there was a backstreet boozer called the Bag o’ Nails. We got as far as the doorway when the barman, without even looking up, just said “Fuck off”.

    I love Plumstead back in the day!

  8. There was a Wetherspoons in the early 00’s that was taken over by the local gang, and they were running a brothel in the toilets. They openly sold drugs, sorted coke off the bar and whenever challenged they would flash their guns. It went on for about a year before they got the right management team and security in to take back control. I worked there when it had been cleaned up but some of the stories were wild.

  9. Pub in Guildford called the Weavers Arms was renowned for trouble (fights, drugs, weapons, muggings, theft to order and generally a violent hovel) …tried to clean up its act by changing its name to the Apple Tree and hired an ex copper to run it in hopes he would ‘sort out’ the bad and the ugly

    He was turned in a heartbeat …soon enough he was in the thick of it and not a thing changed.

    Nuttiest thing I witnessed there – fire broke out in the front bar and instead of evacuating the regulars just moved to the back bar whilst the front was fully ablaze. When firefighters got there they had to wrestle some of them out as they were determined to stay and make the best of the night!?

    Was demolished a decade or so ago and now affordable housing sits proudly where all the shenanigans went down.

  10. Don’t really go to pubs so a weather spoons would e the roughest and that’s tame really.

  11. The Robert Peel Wetherspoons in Bury, Lancashire. Was in there with my cousin and we both watched with morbid curiosity as a woman was so drunk that she threw up in a soup bowl in front of her on the table and then start eating it again like it was fresh soup – made my insides churn

  12. The pubs in Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow will triumph any others in the UK in this regard

  13. De burg arms west Drayton, stopped there some years ago working in the area cos it was dirt cheap , after about a week they realised I wasn’t police so I was taken into the fold , it was when the riots were happening and rumour was they were heading this way , walked in about5.30 after work and the place was packed and next to the door was a large pile of iron bars , baseball bats and various other weapons ” if anyone gets to smash up west Drayton it’s fuckin us ” in the car park was a shed that doubled as a night club , came back one Monday and police tape across the carpark entrance , what happened? Totally nonchalant ” oh , somebody shot one of the bouncers “

  14. There used to be a pub in the middle of a council estate in Blackpool called ‘The Dinmore’, which I read someone recently describe as, “the darkweb before the darkweb existed”.

  15. Pub in Beeston outside Nottingham. Went down with my Dad who was running the Marathon back in the day. Having a pint on Saturday afternoon I went for a piss, finished and found myself face to face with two rather large gentleman. They checked me over valuables, found nothing and they told me to leave quickly as they don’t like Northerners (I’m a Geordie). Saturday fucking afternoon man. Felt safer in the Spoons afterwards…

  16. Boars Head in Reading.
    Sawdust on the floor and my mate found a tooth wedged into a stool leg.
    Smelt like an old school butcher.

  17. I’ve posted before but a pub on the outskirts of billborough, a bloke got a pasting with a pool cue whilst me, my girlfriend at the time’s dad and the actual landlord just sat chatting a few feet away. No one even flinched.

  18. It’s shut now but there was a pub near where I used to live which was essentially a criminal Argos.

    You could go in and ‘order’ an Xbox and come back a few days later and it would be ready for you. It might not necessarily come with a controller or all the wires but it would be 75% cheaper than retail.

  19. Went to the Windjammer in Dublin.

    Tbh I didn’t think it was too bad and if anything people were very friendly to the English guy watching the Chelsea game by himself.

    I told my Irish colleagues where I watched the football the next day and they all told me to never go there again. It wasn’t in a jokey way, it was a very specific, do not go there with your accent you fucking idiot.

  20. The Pavilion in Colwyn Bay, almost always seen someone snorting coke or ket in the gents toilets and have almost definitely been spiked there a handful of times, plus the beer was shite but hey all my friends went there because it was cheap so here we are.

  21. This thread is a massive dangerous pub version of the 4 Yorkshiremen Monty Python sketch, many thanks.

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