She is on a lot of meds mainly antis and benzo’s, she seems to enjoy it but she can never really have an orgasm and I feel bad because I can.

I have tried talking to her about it but she just clams up literally, if she knew I was posting this she would be mad af, we have been together for about two years and the only time she seems to be able to cum is when she has not taken meds.


Not sure what to do here as its frustrating for a guy to not be able to get his g/f to cum, how do I deal with this shit as I want to pleasure her and she says I am but its just not happening.


Or is this just an excuse and she wants to diss us because frome experience girls do all kinds of crazy shit…..


anyone got any pointers or should I just move on


the comments here have been extra e, but just to update to all the amazing people here

I don’t do just PIV I take my time with her, she likes voyeurism and oral, she cannot cum by herself or with help, I am down there for ages and we do use toys rimming vibrators clit stimulation lots of lube

I have spoken to her in depth about it she refused to get off the bennies

We have done the therapy thing and it was a directive from her psych to taper off as her mental health is not that severe anymore

She will not let go of her bennies

Last night I found out she is using meth with a new crowd so give me a reason why I should hang around..tbh I am over it ‘




  1. Can she orgasm by herself? What are you doing to help her orgasm with you? Have you tried vibrators, oral, fingering?

    If you’ve tried everything and it’s not happening, it probably is the meds.

    If she says that she is enjoying it, just believe her. It’s entirely possible for women to enjoy sex without cumming. Don’t pressure her or make her feel bad for not being able to cum. She might clam up and not want to talk about it because she’s embarrassed and feels “broken”. Be supportive.

    What’s your relationship like outside of this issue? Are you really thinking of “moving on” just because she can’t cum. Or are there other issues?

  2. Wanna be clear here… Are you talking about a PIV “hands-free” orgasm? Because like 70% of women don’t have vaginal orgasms from PIV sex.

    If you’re saying that she also can’t have a clitoral orgasm, then you should be looking into reasons why.

  3. Personally I can’t have orgasms and be on those meds, it makes it impossible.
    If I’m off them long enough, yes I can, but depends on the partner, too.

    But if she really needs them and they help her, I assume she’s happy just enjoying the pleasure from sex. While orgasms are great, it’s not worth the mental instability to quit meds. That’s a discussion for her and her doctor, if it bothers her.

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