So me and my girlfriend (who is a virgin) of 2 months were talking and she asked me if I ever had sex with my ex, I had never directly addressed this but it was something I had kinda wanted to take to my grave, but because I wanted to be honest with her I admitted I had but I also told her I regretted doing it and that I was sorry my first time couldn’t be with her. She said she didn’t have an issue with it and only asked bc she wanted to know if I would know what I was doing and that she’s glad I do. But I feel guilty, and I feel like a bad person and a bad boyfriend because of this. I’m also a Christian so this is very frowned upon

  1. There are plenty of Christians who have sex before marriage. You aren’t the first, and you won’t be the last. You cannot change the past. You were honest with your girlfriend, and she said it was okay. Just let it go. Life’s too short to allow misplaced guilt to run your life. There’s nothing wrong with you. You aren’t a bad person or a bad boyfriend. You didn’t cheat on your current girlfriend or anything.

  2. Props for taking the hard route of honesty. Lots of things can be forgiven. If you’re really troubled, work on forgiving yourself. You did the right thing. Relationships without honestly will not work.

  3. You’re fine….I was raised as a Christian, so I get it. Just remember guilt isn’t something from God….it’s used to reduce your self worth and distance you from God because of feelings of unworthiness. So, guess who invented guilt?

    In the Bible they got married at….14? No dating. No courthouse. So don’t feel bad, you love her, and respect her, and will honor her, so that is really the right kind of context for sex. The only thing missing is “marriage”, but that had more to do with protection of women in ancient times where women had little means of independence.

    If you think God is a prude….ponder how Adam’s daughters had babies, did they have sex with their dad or their brother? Also, Mary was about 13 years old when God impregnated her with Jesus. So….don’t judge yourself too harshly, and if you do, be sure to judge God just as harshly.

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