A lot of people have really strong opinions about this but I never hear from people directly in these relationships.

  1. Best/healthiest relationship of my life by far. The age gap is a non-issue for us. We’re compatible in every area, he’s a great communicator, he’s got his shit together, we click personally, it’s all brilliant.

  2. Its been amazing! He does things that are considered old fashion such as always opening my door, giving me letters or cards and so on. I feel like i have learned and grown as a person and we have great communication.

  3. He’s 14 years older than me, we met when I was 25 and he was 39. He was at a stage in life where he was thinking about maybe selling his condo and buying a house; I was thinking about buying a third bath towel. So you know, we were both making moves.

    In all seriousness, the age gap is not really a thing for us, we’re so compatible it doesn’t matter. I explain new slang to him, he explains old Arnold movie references to me. And we both sing silly songs to our dog, that’s universal.

  4. Husband is 11 years older than me — does that count as much older? Best relationship of my life. He is very steady and settled in his life at this point. He has been in the same career for over two decades, has friends he’s known since middle school, doesn’t sweat the small stuff, and is very supportive of my grad school and work. 11/10 highly recommend.

  5. Mines not as big of a gap, a little over 7 years. I’ll say it’s the most wonderful relationship of my life. He is 100% the man I’ll marry. However, I do *not* recommend this for other people especially those who were my age to begin with. I understand that my relationship is the *exception* and not the *rule.*

    It’s extremely rare to find a relationship without a power imbalance when one of you is young (18 to early 20’s). Somehow we got lucky, and we met through non traditional circumstances. He thought I was older, I thought he was younger.

  6. I don’t know how you define “much older”, but my husband is 9 years older than me. We’ve been married for 10 years. We are far from perfect, but we love each other fiercely and work it out. I wasn’t seeking an older guy (actually had sworn off relationships, LOL), but there was a draw to him when we met that I hadn’t had with guys I’d dated that were my age or younger. He’s my safe place and my person. Our age difference is a non-issue and most people who meet us and don’t know about it can’t tell.

  7. My husband and I have a 20 year age gap, he’s the realist most secure person I’ve ever been with. He knows who he is and is so handy around the house, fixes literally everything, he’s a bomb cook, he’s the best sex I’ve ever had, and he’s sweet and considerate. Older guys are the way to go, they’ve had time to work on themselves and are more in touch with their feelings.
    We dated for 2 years and got married. Been together 10 years.

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