Hooked up w a ‘friend’ and he didnt cum. Its my first time that a guy didn’t finish off me. He said he ejaculated the morning before he came here and the 2 days before. Does it mean he didnt like me?

  1. There’s about 20 reasons this could be (ED, Anxiety, Meds he’s on, him getting in his head about something, recreational drugs, drink, and a fuckton more).

    Almost all of them have one thing in common: they have nothing to do with you.

    If he got it up and you banged, he was in to it (and you.)

  2. For what it’s worth, I **rarely** cum the first time I’m with someone. I just get nervous about being a good partner and the part of my brain where I’m supposed to climax goes out the window. I still enjoy it tremendously, though.

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