
I’m quite newly single and I’m beginning to date. My question is quite easy: do women like when men compliment them early on? The women I’m taking for dates are quite beautiful (both to me and objectively so) so it might not be exciting for them to hear it. On the other hand, I fear that the way I talk with women tends to be either as friends or very emotionally. So… what do you guys think?

  1. Yes compliment them sincerely. Beautiful women like being told they are beautiful by men they like.

  2. Complementing a woman on a first date is a nice gesture and shows your interest in her. It could go either way based on how she reacts but you don’t know until you try. Talking from experience, I like being complimented because it helps with my self esteem and knowing someone is expressing sincere interest in me. Compliment away!

  3. Please tell these women how beautiful they are (both for your chances and for them) BUT when you know each lady better remember a woman is more than her looks and also likes to know that 😀

  4. Please tell these women how beautiful they are (both for your chances and for them) BUT when you know each lady better remember a woman is more than her looks and also likes to know that 😀

  5. Yes, especially on their feet, armpits and overall shape.
    I invite you to suddenly get close to her and sniff her loudly and then compliment her smell like you’re describing a rich red wine.

  6. Yes, especially on their feet, armpits and overall shape.
    I invite you to suddenly get close to her and sniff her loudly and then compliment her smell like you’re describing a rich red wine.

  7. Yes, especially on their feet, armpits and overall shape.
    I invite you to suddenly get close to her and sniff her loudly and then compliment her smell like you’re describing a rich red wine.

  8. Yes, especially on their feet, armpits and overall shape.
    I invite you to suddenly get close to her and sniff her loudly and then compliment her smell like you’re describing a rich red wine.

  9. Yes, especially on their feet, armpits and overall shape.
    I invite you to suddenly get close to her and sniff her loudly and then compliment her smell like you’re describing a rich red wine.

  10. Yes, especially on her feet, armpits and overall shape.
    I invite you to suddenly get close to her and sniff her loudly and then compliment her smell like you’re describing a rich red wine.

  11. Everything always always depends on one and the same thing. Your confidence. Dont ever do something cus you think you “oughta”, and when you do it, do it cus you want to and not because of the response you are expecting. A woman who always gets compliments might internally regard herself at the upper hand when perhaps you not complimenting her would intrigue her. A woman who rarely ever gets compliments might need to hear it to fall head over heels for you.

    It is usually the first one.

  12. Everything always always depends on one and the same thing. Your confidence. Dont ever do something cus you think you “oughta”, and when you do it, do it cus you want to and not because of the response you are expecting. A woman who always gets compliments might internally regard herself at the upper hand when perhaps you not complimenting her would intrigue her. A woman who rarely ever gets compliments might need to hear it to fall head over heels for you.

    It is usually the first one.

  13. Yes, if you mean it. It’s nice to be complimented and shows me they’re interested.

  14. Sure thing; definitely.. be honest about your feelings of attraction and intentions on the first date but don’t talk to much, keep the date brief.

  15. Of course ! I would even ask myself some question if the guy doesnt make any compliment. I like when they make a comment on my outfit or earrings for example. If it gets more flirtatious, then some comment about my eyes or smile is always appreciate 😉 Or the best, when they mention what I just said is smart or that they are impressed by X thing I’m saying… Just show you are very interested!!

  16. Don’t. Just be fun, nice, positive etc. Compliments just feel like weird bargaining. Unless there’s a mutual attraction and it’s sincere.

  17. If you want to yes, if not, then not.

    She will not dump you because you said her hair looks nice and she wont because you didnt.

    Just relax, enjoy the date and if you feel the genuine urge to compliment her, do it.:)

  18. If these women are beautiful, they suspect you asked them out because of it.

    Sure, go ahead and compliment them, but not about beauty. Are they funny, wearing a cute jacket, well traveled, good at something, working in an interesting field? Make the compliment about them, and not their face.

    I was pretty cute in my day. Men asked me out all the time based on appearance. The guys who captured my interest seemed interested in me as a person. They asked questions and offered thoughtful responses – like they were interested in developing more than an initial attraction.

    Likewise, I dated a guy who was an exotic dancer. Women were all over him all the time. He was honestly gorgeous. We worked because we had fun together. He was hot, but our dates were about trying to make each other laugh.

  19. I assume all people like compliments but I suggest you do it in a mature, non-graphic way. for example, mention if they are nicely dressed but not if they have a lot of cleavage showing.

  20. I’d say give compliments when they are warranted. Getting empty compliments is meaningless to me, but if a guy notices that I put a lot of time into my appearance, or in any way went above and beyond – then it’s fine.

    But just “You look amazing” or “I love your… teeth” that is just a guy trying too hard.

  21. Yes you should compliment.
    For example:
    I think your outfit looks really good.
    You have beautiful eyes.
    You smell good.
    You have a great sense of humour.
    Anything that would be pleasant for her to hear.
    Good luck

  22. No. It’s not necessary. You asked them out for a reason. It can come off as kinda desperate even if that’s not the intention.

    Save it for a second or third date.

  23. Yes you should. If I had a 1st date and dude didn’t compliment me at all I would wonder if he was attracted

  24. There’s also that trick I’ve read and like where you complement them on something they can control, not beauty. So if you like their outfit, tell them that. That makes them feel even nicer because they picked it out themselves 🙂

  25. ask a friend/neighbor once a week to bring some bottles. invite them inside for a coffee/tea and talk to them. most people are glad to help, and it might strengthen your friendship.

    people are social beings, we live in communities, and we help each other. 🙏

  26. Women like compliments. BUT compliment something she does, not something she’s born with. “Your makeup looks nice”. “I like what you did with your hair” not “nice (insert body part)”.

    Simple rule of thumb, if you’re not far enough in your relationship you’ve seen it uncovered, do not comment.

  27. Yes but something simple – “you look beautiful tonight”, “you look great/fantastic”, not a long talk about how gorgeous and great she is or it will be really uncomfortable for her.

  28. Yes! Compliment a women ALWAYS but not too much either, or she’ll think you’re a little needy and weird, don’t forget to flirt and tease too

  29. I realllyyyy like it, if it’s genuine. The guy I’m seeing currently, on our first time meeting and beyond, often stares at me and smiles and says things like “you look so freaking cute,” and “I can’t get over how beautiful you are.” And it feels genuine, I feel like he’s enamored with me. Love it.

    On the other hand, a transactional “you look very nice tonight” as we sit down for dinner… I could take it or leave it.

  30. Yes, but don’t make it about looks. Everyone thinks she’s pretty; why are you different?

    The compliment had to be sincere. So don’t tell her she’s funny until after she makes you laugh. Or if she says something you hadn’t thought of, tell her she seems like she’s pretty smart. Give it readily, but not until she has earned it.

    And don’t compliment her more than a once or twice, cause then it will start to feel contrived. Like it’s one of your moves you’ve been practicing instead of a genuine thing.

  31. Only if it’s sincere and specific. If she’s beautiful she hears that all the time. But saying “you have a really nice smile” or “I like your laugh” or something like that
    Is probably not what she’s used to hearing. I can remember my now husband saying “I love your legs,” was the best compliment and all his compliments were that way. Very specific instead of the generic “you’re pretty” “you’re beautiful.”

    As the relationship progresses to serious then yes she will need to hear the you’re beautiful but I would wait until it’s a relationship or close to it.

  32. Yes, but don’t go overboard. Honestly, one thing about her appearance is usually good enough. “Hey, I like the shoes!” or “You have a really pretty smile” when she smiles at you. Other than that, just have fun, relax and tell her you had a nice time at the end.

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