what would make men choose a 7 over a 9?

  1. Compatibility. Is the 9 a stuck up bitch and the 7 a cool ass chick? I’ll take the 7 any day.

  2. Well maybe you only have 7 people, why would you get 9 of something to only share between 7 people?

  3. 9s are typically more stuck up because they know that they are good looking. They are easy on the eyes and that’s it. 7s typically will be more chill, less crazy, and more humble.

    This is all from personal experience so just like a TV medication your results may vary.

  4. A more intelligent, sophisticated, complex, self aware and mature measure of compatibility.

  5. Too many reasons to list.

    The biggest is that unless you’re very lucky, the 8/9/10’s generally cannot be trusted. So it makes everything an unnecessarily difficult haul to verify their grounding. With (cute) 7’s, the odds are in your favor that she didn’t develop into a whackjob from having so many options and having everything handed to her on a silver platter.

  6. 7s are usually much more down to earth and have friendly personality, while 9 is usually a narcissist and self centered.

    Therefore 7 > 9.

  7. It’s simple a lot of guys are just afraid of extremely good looking women. It’s the I’m not worthy thing.

  8. Looks only open the door- once you’re past a certain level of initial attraction, they don’t matter. It’s the person you are that makes you a good partner.

  9. Personality. Normal women that are decent looking >> super hot chicks that believe they can get whatever they want whenever they want just based on their looks

  10. “in love and death…
    we don’t decide”

    I’m still in love with the 7, but I trust the 9, she’s a better person…

  11. Every time I’ve done it was because the less pretty girl was a ton more fun to be around, was fun loving, we laughed together. It can also be stressful dating a girl that every guy is going after and trying to impress. A 9 that is playing the field is one I specifically avoid.

  12. Attraction for most people is part looks, part personality. Given an average of a 1:1 ratio between the two (50/50); a 7 in looks plus a 10 in personality = 8.5, while a 9 in looks plus a 5 in personality = 7. That would make the 9 the true 7 🙂

  13. Peace of mind.

    If a woman doesn’t bring me peace and everyday she is finding something new to argue about while I’m trying to save the fuckin’ world…

    She is just pussy and stress.

    And pussy is EVERYWHERE.

    Find pussy that gives you peace.

    This was my Ted Talk.

    Thank you for having me.

  14. As you get older you want someone that you actually like not just sexually but emotionally. All that. I like more real women than these superficial ones. And a lot of 9s for some reason like me and I feel people expect me to get one. But I don’t have children and want a women that I would like long term and be a great mother.

  15. What exactly is your scale here? Is it looks only? Or is it the whole package?

    If it’s a looks-only scale, then there are a load of factors in choosing a 7 over a 9 including intelligence, personality, sense of humour, sex appeal, personal beliefs, compatibility etc.

    If it’s the whole package, then it’s a lot more difficult to explain why. Availability maybe?

  16. He’s not choosing a 7 over a 9, he’s choosing the 9. Looks aren’t everything. For me 7 could be wifey asf and 9 isn’t which gives 7 a boost and also hurts 9, so in the end the character makes 7 into a 9 and 9 into a 7.

  17. The number ranking system only pertains to looks. You can be the hottest thing to walk the earth but if it hides the most evil person then it’s unwise to choose. If the 7 holds the best attitude and best of everything else that does not pertain to looks then you lucked out.

  18. I mean, she’s an en-borg, obsessed with efficiency, prefers function over aesthetics, and played by the awesome Jeri Ryan.

    Tbh I don’t know why anyone *wouldn’t* want 7 of 9.

  19. Firstly, a lot of this is subjective, but let’s just go with it for sake of the question.

    In my experience talking about this with other guys, not very much at all. Looks really have the returns of a S pattern. Going from a 1 to a 3, most guys still aren’t going to be interested even if you are cool. Go from a 4-6, now you’ve just gone from “meh” to “she’s pretty cute”. That kind of move opens up a LOT of options. Once you are above pretty cute though, it levels off again. Going from “dayum” to “DAYUM” isn’t that big of a deal. Most guys were already into you before and they might just be slightly more into you now. So once you get to like a 6, it becomes almost entirely personality driven.

  20. All these guys saying they’d rather date a 7 with a good personality than a 9 who’s a bitch are capping. Men go for the finest females and will accept the personality up to a certain moment but we will all choose the 9 first.

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