Hiiiiii everyone. So I’ve been on 5 really great dates with a guy. I’m 24 and he’s 26. He is a gentlemen, very kind, intelligent, generous, respectful, funny and affectionate.
Everything I think anyone is looking for in a man tbh hahaha. Anyway you get the point.

I’m quiteeee smitten with him, I have admitted to him a few times I have a crush on him after him playfully teasing about it and he thinks it’s cute but he’s yet to confirm his feelings for me… although i can just feel that he is feeling the same way if that makes any sense?

Anyway I don’t know if I should wait until I know how he is feeling before I tell him I do in fact have feelings more than just a playful crush now? Would it be best to wait?We are going on our 6th date in a few days and I’m really excited to tell him, I’m unsure what the next best move is! Thanks everyone

*update* y’all thank you for your replies but it’s not me loving the guy, its just saying I like him haha

  1. You’re overthinking it. Men are quite straightforward. As long as you don’t tell him in a weird, clingy way he’ll be happy to know you have feelings.

  2. There’s no wrong or right time to say “I love you.” If you’re feeling it, shoot your shot.

  3. Mh thats quite odd, normally men go for the first “i have a crush on you” type of talk.
    But he wouldnt date you that often if he wouldnt like you back to. And after 6 dates you should have a talk about, how it should go forward. If you wanna be considered “together” or in a “relationship” or not.
    So yeah tell him for sure.

  4. Anytime is fine. You could always test the waters and say “I really like you a lot” and see what he says.

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