When she says so nicely ? What do you do to get over it and how long does it last before you get the girl out of your head/start thinking about other girls ?


edit: girl you’ve known for three days but barely talked to, just two convos


Also, what would it get for this girl to be with you (for ex. if she lied about being taken when you asked her just because she was nervous… smh)

  1. You can’t make her like you. If she gives in for any reason, then she doesn’t want to be there and it will come up again.

    Find another outlet for your frustration. Don’t fixate on her – if her answer is no then leave it.

    * if you leave it and she comes back, she was playing hard-to-get games and that’s also another warning sign.

  2. I would feel bad that I misread the situation so badly and I’d be afraid that I made her uncomfortable and looked like a creep. Other than a girl I dated in college who I was friends with first all of my relationships have started out online explicitly for matchmaking.

  3. I just say:

    “Well if you ever change your mind here’s mine and hand her my business card with my number.”

    A business card with the letters of C E O under my name.

  4. I feel like if you felt like it was the proper time to ask, and she said no. You likely misread the situation. Should reflect on that and do better next time.

  5. I don’t ask for numbers. I’d give mine so that she doesn’t feel pressured. If she reaches out cool, if not also cool.

  6. “Ughh.. why won’t you give me your number? I’m such a nice guy…😭😡🤬”

    Obvious /s

  7. If she lied and said she was with someone else because she’s not interested in you and she thinks you’re scary. Leave her alone.

  8. Fine.

    I move on.

    “Also, what would it get for this girl to be with you (for ex. if she lied about being taken when you asked her just because she was nervous… smh)”

    She’s not interested.



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