What’s your preferred brand and type of peanut butter?

  1. I don’t really have a preference, but as of late I’m enjoying the Peter Pan honey roasted creamy peanut butter.

  2. My local grocery store’s brand (Wegman’s) is awesome. Very simple, and very tasty.

    Roasted Peanuts



    Vegetable Oil


  3. Any of the natural or fresh ground ones. I even got my family doing it homemade as a kid, and that’s a great way.

  4. Wegmans freshly ground peanut butter.

    Don’t try it though! It’s twice as expensive as the jar stuff and once you had it you’re never going back to the jar peanut butter.

    It’s like the difference between fresh vegetables and canned vegetables. Soon as you open the lid you are hit with intense scent of peanuts.

  5. Smucker’s Natural Creamy. Just peanuts and a little salt. The oil separates though, so you have to mix it back together almost every time, unless you use it frequently. But that’s typical of all natural butters.

  6. American here. I’m in in the minority when I say this: I absolutely cannot stand peanut butter.

  7. Crunchy, the all natural type that’s just peanuts, don’t have a specific brand. I usually add a sprinkle of salt myself when I use it

  8. Smucker’s is the best, but honestly the super sweetened 50% emulsifier stuff like Skippy is definitely a guilty pleasure snack for me.

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