I was updating my wife’s mobile phone and notice several searches for ‘mpreg’ porn dated back to two dates in November and January. I thought initially she was curious what it was in November, but she’s revisited in January so I think it is definitely a fetish she has. Probably forgot to go in to incog mode and has browsed more in there. I am a little shocked as she is more than vanilla sexually, and we very rarely have intercourse or anything else for that matter. Is my relationship in trouble? Why isn’t she coming to me with this? Is this why we never have sex- she takes care of herslef on the regular? I am so confused!

  1. The only possible answer to this is “you need to talk to her”, we have no possible clue what is going in your relationship or in her head. If your relationship is in trouble, it is from lack of communication.

  2. Sex is 90% tolerant sympathetic communication.

    If you’re not talking about stuff that turns you on, you’re concealing it.

    My wife and I talk about our fetishes and kinks regularly, not in the expectation that we’re always going to meet them but because we want sex to be honest and intimate, not two people screwing while thinking about other people or how hot it would be if our partners really got us.

    Start some talks. Confess what turns you on. Listen to her. Talk. Listen.

  3. She is very closed off about all types of sexual questions. Immediately shuts it down and gets frustrated as soon as it is mentioned. It’s very annoying.

  4. Updating her phone caused you to search her browser history?? Interesting lol. Only she knows the answer to your questions but she may have a few of her own like why you were searching her phone to begin with.

  5. Confused?

    You want more sex. Your wife is looking at porn. Seems like you have a wide open door there to beef up your sex life! Have a few drinks, guide the chat onto porn, enjoy.

  6. Look. She’s probably not coming to you because she’s embarrassed and it’s not like you can get knocked up to fulfill this fantasy for her.

    It’s like tentacle porn. Pretty weird. Socially stigmatized. 100% fantasy.

  7. I saw your comment about her being sexually closed off.. I was very similar when me and my boyfriend first got together because I was scared and embarrassed. Maybe you can take a couples quiz together that only shows the answers you both pick, I recommend Carnal Calibration

  8. Sometimes it can be hard to talk about your desires with your spouse because you don’t want them to feel like you’re not enjoying the sex. Maybe sit her down and be like it really turns me on when we do this or I wanna try this and then ask if she’d like to try anything or if she has any fetishes.

  9. Also I regularly check my husband’s browsing history to see what porn he watches but he always clears it lol and hides jacking off. Which I offer to let him watch me all the time and I always tell him when I’m going to that way he doesn’t awkwardly walk in on me. He just for some reason still hides it.

  10. I’d say that googling something twice, months apart, is not a tell-tale sign of a fetish.

  11. You violated her privacy without her being there or giving you consent, if that’s what she looks at on her time and on her phone that’s her business, as long as she’s not cheating on you then leave it alone, once she’s comfortable with you she will open up to you

  12. The kink is not important. How do you feel about the lack of sex? Are you getting what you need out of this relationship?

  13. Side note, a bit confused how while updating her phone you stumbled across her internet search history? Seems like you were snooping, so seems you were already not trustworthy of her. You two definitely need to talk things through and trust each other

  14. How about you just let someone have a fantasy and enjoy it once in awhile without bringing it to you for your approval?

    Your marriage is not in trouble, she is just curious and it might even be something rather filthy and disgusting that she never wants anyone to know about. Leave it alone. Let her have it. You don’t have to be the master of the universe

  15. Does she watch a lot of tv shows, read a lot of fantasy books? Read fanfiction? It’s actually extremely common lol

  16. I honestly think an mpreg fetish is NOT what your sex life is being impacted by. The communication issue is way more important, the mperg is just an anecdote, and I don’t think you’ll get anything by focusing on it if she’s shy.

  17. Communication is amazing. I watch a lot of porn i would never let my husband do lol…. Honestly the type of porn someone watches may have little to do with their sexual relationships with another.

  18. There are tons of mm romance novels about this and plenty of people love to read them. Plenty of people like things in books and reading about relationships that are different from theirs. It’s most likely not a fetish in that that is what she is looking for in the bedroom. Unless she was specifically searching them on porn sites which it doesn’t seem like she was based on your post.

  19. I feel like her private porn search isn’t an open invitation to talk about it. Also may not be a kink maybe she’s just fascinated by it? Idk. My username checks out

  20. It seems like I am the minority here but I don’t feel like you should talk to her about this

    I’d be PISSED if my husband not only went through my search history and knew exact dates of when I watched things…… but then also wanted to discuss something that is MY PRIVATE BUSINESS.

    You think she doesn’t have enough sex with you now? If this was me, I certainly wouldn’t want to fuck my husband after he violated my privacy like this.

    If you want to give HER the opportunity to mention it, have a general convo about fantasies. If she doesn’t mention it then it’s not your business.

    Stay out of her search history

  21. You were updating her phone when you noticed web searches from back in November, and then again in January? Seems pretty thorough, investigative, and untrusting.

  22. I’m confused why people love to put a reason why you snooped haha you updated hee phone but needed to go through the searches? Months back? Hmmmm

    Anyways. Leave her some with her porn lol

  23. I just searched for ‘mpreg porn’ to know what is it about and now maybe my wife will be concerned too.

  24. I mean watching something on porn does not mean you want that specifically. There are things that turn us(people in general) on but does not mean that we actually want to or expect to participate in that act.

  25. Hmm why are you searching through your wife’s history if all you’re doing is updating it? Maybe it’s time to communicate to her about what you did and why

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