Men, What’s the most interesting thing that happened to you this week?

  1. i had someone tell me in session that she has a strange sexual fascination with the teenage mutant ninja turtles.


    *me: “but aren’t they teenagers?”*

    *her: “not anymore, they were only teenagers back in the 80s.”*

    *me: “so…if you had to list them in order of desire…”*

    *her: “Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael.”*

    *me: “you really HAVE thought about this.”*

    *her: “fuck yeah i have. all the time.”*

    *me: “does Splinter figure in somehow?”*

    *her: “eww, no. Splinter is a RAT.”*

    *me: “……………”*


    people, man šŸ˜€

  2. I played 6 hours of Valheim. Didnā€™t expect to like it so much.

    Only contender to that is the 30 minute walk through my downtown early morning. So serene. No one there but the early birds. And they thinking what im thinking. ā€œFuck people. No one around. Way God intendedā€ hehe

  3. Got my first order confirmed for a new business venture. Sourcing supplies for distributers

  4. Visited a remote island and drank some alcoholic beverage with the locals they got straight from a tree that morning, rode a motorcycle then swam at a beach all in a torrential thunderstorm, went on a road trip with an Orthodox Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu and an atheist who are all best buddies.

  5. Denise Herrmann-Wick winning the Biathlon world championship Sprint. Proud day for me as a Germanā€¦ until my fav Football team went 0-0 while being the better team for the third time in a row

  6. I got an Infection in my testes post vasectomy. Never have they been so large, red and painful (an old lady with two, yes two, walking sticks overtook me in the hospital corridor). Made me appreciate antibiotics soooooo much more. And for those of you that are concerned, I promise I will finish the full course.

    Also, went to Crocodile world.

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