Women who have had the goal to gain weight, how did you accomplish this?

  1. Lots of pasta and bread, add fat to foods like soup. But make sure to still be active and do toning exercises rather than cardio. That’s what I was told by a dietitian years ago. It may not be accurate now a days

  2. i was underweight when i was in high school & had to drink these disgusting protein shakes.. do not recommend

  3. A friend of mine had pills prescribed from her doctor to gain weight. Unfortunately she turned out to be allergic to them. She ended up having to accept walking around looking like an anorexic despite constantly eating chips, etc. She was so sad about her weight but she just didn’t gain any all her childhood and teenage years. She’s 41 now. Still thin but with a bit more meat on her bones after having had a child 12 years ago.

  4. Lifting weights mainly as it did help to increase appetite,

    Reducing cardio eg. daily steps

    Going for low fibre and low density foods, eg. nuts and oils over volume food like fruits and vegetables and stuff

    Heavy protein items or really fatty/creamy foods I struggled with as they were so rich and Im pretty bland eater so protein powder just mixed with stuff helped eg. yoghurt, coffee etc

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