Hey, everyone!

This is my first post here, and I’m hoping you all may have answers.

I consider my social-skills to be above-average. I really love talking to people, gossiping, making new friends, etc. However, I HATE hanging out with them outside of forced environments( i.e work, school, events). No matter how much I like the person or event we’re going to, I always would prefer being home. I want to go, but I also don’t.

Is this okay? I feel different about it because my family/friends thinks I leave them out intentionally.. that’s just not the case.

1 comment
  1. First, it is okay to feel what you are feeling. But it’s not really what’s expected, so most people will naturally have a very hard time understanding your reasons. And they will feel rejected by you, as you’ve noticed.

    Honestly, I don’t understand fully myself, could you explain in more detail why you never want to go to any event with anyone?

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