Women who have been in open relationships, how has it worked for you?

  1. My ex and I had an open relationship about eleven years ago.

    Cons: He got more serious with someone than we’d agreed was acceptable. I considered it cheating and ended the relationship.

    Pros: He married the aforementioned someone and they live a beautiful life with a perfect dog and I’m on great terms with both of them (and mostly with their dog) to this day.

  2. We’ve been in an open relationship for about six months now, but I don’t really know how it’s working, because neither of us have slept with anyone else. 😅 My boyfriend wanted to have the freedom to do so, because I’m asexual, and I think it was only fair. But he isn’t actively looking for other sexual partners so nothing has happened. I don’t know yet how it will affect our relationship when he does find someone else to sleep with. But we have clear rules, which I hope will help.

  3. I haven’t been in an open relationship, so I don’t have a real opinion on it. I can say that communicating with one person is hard enough and it will always be trying to understand and listen where I just don’t know how anyone can do that with multiple people…

  4. One of my recent connections was kinda an open relationship, it started as a LDR so he told me from the start that if he has an opportunity irl to get something, he wouldn’t stop and i agreed. For myself i don’t feel the need to search for other connections if i’m already in a relationship. We met and had a nice week vacation together but i just realized that it’s not the kind of relationship that i want. Now i’m in one that’s not open and if we do want to experiment with something, it would be trying something with another person, not knowing that your partner goes and does whatever behind your back

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