I (41M) am in a great 2yr relationship with my GF(47F). I usually stay at her house, 70% of the time (2 households currently so when I have custody of my child, I always am at my house). We love each other very much and genuinely just want to make each other happy, standard couple arguments but are quickly resolved. We are of different backgrounds, as in I am atheist and she “is more repressed being raised Jewish” as she states to me. We get along very well and respect each other.

I have a much higher sex drive than she does, in all honesty, I agree when she says I am almost insatiable. (But just for her) I understand and can appreciate she is tired from her job. So after about 6 to 9 months of frustration with sex frequency and better communication therapy we came to some compromises. The thing is it is getting a little routine and was looking for some additional ideas. Things we now do:

1) she likes when she is in the shower, I will pick out panties for her to wear, that I will finish in and she wears them for the day.
2) she will tell me, when she sleeps (and she is one deep sleeper lol) that she will tell me to masterbate and finish on her while she is sleeping (which she will tell me before falling asleep to “go ahead” or “I’m yours” or other pre agreed on phrases to give consent with out spelling it out, sometimes saying “not the hair tonight” or “not the face tonight”. I may do this 2 or 3 times a week even though she gives permission 98% of nights)
3) she will, if she can tell I am horney, tell me to masterbate and she watches, usually directing me to finish on her body or pajamas or such.

I realize she may not be in the mood and I am doing most of the work, which is ok, seems like a good compromise for both of us. But I feel like I am running out of “new exciting ideas” I am very much trying to respect she may not be in the mood and she understands I am more horney than she is and wants to accommodate me as well.

Are there any other things along these lines anyone else does as part of the regular things anyone else does as a couple to keep things fresh?

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