I’m in halls at uni and haven’t had luck with my flatmates. I got a catered block and some say they can be a bit posh so I’m moving to another block next week, and just wanted to see if there’s anything I could do better.

Where I am now people are nice and fine with me going out with them, but they never try to include me. I have to be the one to actively tag along, while they’re always calling their mates that aren’t there yet. People also often ignore what I say as you can expect. They also made a separate group chat I’m not in and just in general say close stuff to each other that makes it hard to chip in.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I do notice people have a hard time hearing me. I try to speak up but somehow I’m not quite loud enough or maybe I’m speaking too fast, I don’t know how much of an issue that is. I also know I can be awkward and off putting, and don’t really know how to fit in and get on closer terms with people, but I don’t know if that’s all or what I should do to deal with that.

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