Or when did you realize that you deserved better/ were worth more.

  1. It just came to a natural conclusion, it was never going to last forever. Just a fling for a few months.

  2. I found out the truth because up until that point I didn’t actually know, so I found out I told his wife and sent some proof like texts and regular pics of us together, told her I’d answer any questions she had if she had any. Got an email back accusing me of r wording and manipulating her husband because he would “never ever cheat” on her. Met up with him again to get answers for myself, slept together and that was it.

    Interestingly she did end up trying to contact me a few years later after a couple of other affairs happened but I had no desire in talking to someone tried to contact my friends and family to say that I r worded her husband because she couldn’t admit the truth about him.

  3. Came to the conclusion it was dead wrong and immoral gave the person an ultimatum to see if he was serious and then that was that really

  4. Well , i’m pretty sure the majority of them ended up with the a girl swiping of her face from a napkin from McDonalds

  5. The only choice you have is to leave him.. It hurts so much specially when they lie about it.. if they truly love you, they will wait until divorced is done.

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