Hi so throwaway, cause am scared anyone i know finds out who i am.

Ok so here goes nothing. Essentially due to certain family issues, i have alot of trouble formulating feelings for anyone. Friends are a okie! But romantic feelings are always super hard for me.

Recently met this friend through a bunch of people and something really just sparked in my heart? Like its hard to describe it, I myself havent even been able to really explore this feeling before.

However, despite this lil spark of wanting to start a relationship im kind of conflicted. And the issue, besides my own inability to feel romantic feelings, is that of religion.

I honestly believe in my religion, so please dont bash me am sorry. However, I personally feel dating can be independent of religion cause its just 2 humans connecting. But I know my parents are really against it.

Im scared that if i actually start a relationship with this girl that i cant give her a good life cause my parents would breathe down her neck and also probably give me a lifelong lecture on why i shouldnt have done that.
I rather not hide her or keep my relationship a secret cause i rather be open with it. (Plus i hear i can be really exhausting).

But then again, idk if i will ever feel something like this again. And honestly im scared to live out the rest of my days without a partner.

So i would like to seek your help kind strangers.

What are yall thoughts on this? Should i give up on her?

I know this is really long and all and if you read this far im sincerely thankful that you did. I have been sitting on this for quite some time and i rather not hit the friendzone period. Hahaha :,)

  1. Can I ask what it is about your religion that prevents you from dating?

    Do you know what her views are on your religion or life in general? Definitely let her know about your religion earlier than later and how it can affect your future partner.

  2. buddy the heart want what it want as long as you commit to it. Im no christian but i dont think christ said anything about keeping it in the religious circle, you can love her and still believe in who you want. First advice to you is that you gotta live your life not your parents, so you have to that what you must. Secondly, her or anyone you want to be with in the future, if you are with them and you want to stay with them but they are not your parents expect molded christian girl, you gotta stick with her, if you believe you cannot do that then you have to stay within your parents expectations. The worse choice you can make is the one you will regret or the one that make your partner regret you. You can still give her a good life if you are committed to it and it really really up to what you think you can do, but i personally believe that faith should bring people together not divide them into group as i am raise buddist myself. Best of luck to ya man.

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