on Friday night I had sex with a new partner with no condom. the day later I took plan b just to be careful

since then I’ve noticed white spots inside my vagina, I don’t notice any oder or any strange discharge on my underwear since I’ve been dryer after taking plan b.
i have occasional itching (not very often) and slight stinging every now and then but I’m assuming it’s because I’m drier than usual

do I have a yeast infection or is this just a weird side affect of plan b? and additionally do I wait a week or so for my hormones to return to normal before I pursue anything (like taking monistat)

  1. Well that was a stupid decision. Hope he didn’t have anything. Go to your doctor and tell them your symptoms

  2. Hi. Hormones are known to disrupt the biome of the vagina, as does ejaculate. It can increas3 the risk of a yeast infection. If you can get to one, go to Planned Parenthood. They can help, even for free if needed.

    You can purchase an at home yeast infection test too.

    If you have no other sympathy, I’d hesitate to use any of the yeast treatments prophylacticly as it’s just as likely to leave you more vulnerable to a bacterial infection due to disturbing the biome by killing off necessary candida.

    My best current advice is change panties twice daily, let your vulva area breathe if you can, no baths or strong soaps, pat dry gently after a shower. Avoid things like sugar drinks for few days (high sugar is like rocket fuel for infections).

    If you develop redness, burning, itching, a change in discharge or pain, go get seen or at least do the at home test.

    Hope everything turns out fine.

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