What has a woman said/did that you can’t figure out/don’t understand

  1. I can’t for the life of me figure out why my wife would want to be stuck with me and my odors and hairs and sweatiness and immaturity and constant, unrelenting horniness

  2. There’s a lot of things that either a group of women have done that baffle a large number of men or that particular women have done that baffle basically all men.

  3. There’s a girl that just won’t admit that she doesnt want to meet up.

    Like I’ll reach out and she leaves me on read which I can interpret because no response *is* a response.

    Then like 2 months later she’ll message saying sorry i didnt respond, i really want to meet up but was busy, etc.

    So I’ll be like ok, how about x? And then I get left on read again.

    It’s a cycle. I wish she would either ignore me or flat out say she doesn’t want to. I would stop participating but we work together and if I didn’t play this game she could say I was the one being rude.

  4. I asked someone I’ve known for a couple years for help with a situation in my life because she’s been through something similar. We know each other from the gym and I offered to buy her a beer to talk about it.

    Now she won’t even give me the time of day and every time I’ve even attempted to say hi to her she either gives me a nasty look or ignores me existence. She probably thought I was trying to ask her out.

    Like god damn, just because I’m a guy doesn’t mean I’m trying to date you.

  5. After an epic 10 text message rant “FINE, I’ll never does so to you Again!!!”

    What i don’t understand about this: it’s been over six months and she’s still calling and texting me from other numbers. Leave me alone since you said you would never speak to me again.

  6. Contradicting themselves and never stating what they want which gets confusing. A girl I was dating would go out of her way to ghost me every now and again and I would call her and check why she was doing so. She said something about having options and I have to chase her blah blah. So I got a new girlfriend. She went batshit crazy texting my new gf and sent me texts to emails at times different phone numbers stating how I misunderstood her and how much she missed me. Very weird person.

  7. A woman tried teaching me to solve quadratic equations once and that didn’t work. A man tried next and it still didn’t stick.

  8. How she fills the dishwasher. Everything is diagonally, glasses put wrong. She manages to fill the dishwasher with minimum stuff.

  9. In my case, it was a couple of girls (who identified themselves as feminists) I talked to on social media some years ago.

    **First girl:** Feminism is about giving the women the choice and oportunity to become anything they want in life. Do you want to be a truck driver? Cool. Do you want to be a housewife? Wonderful. If woman is free to choose and to pursue her own path without harassment, barriers, biases, or obstacles, everything is fine.

    **Second girl:** Feminism doesn’t exist to reassure you that your personal choices are good and commendable. Behaving as if any choice a woman makes is feminist or good simply because the choice was available and she chose it is not the vibe.

    Needless to say, that really left me with more questions than answers.

  10. Dated a girl once, and when we first got together I told her I don’t do monogamous relationships. She said it was mandatory if I wanted to be with her, so I said sure I agree, and if it isn’t working I’ll say something and we’ll end it but I can promise I’ll never go behind your back and cheat on you.

    We dated for about 8 months before *she* cheated on *me.* Like damn bitch, you coulda had your cake and fucked it too but you chose to be a weird asshole for no reason.

  11. Why she decided to have sex with my dad and not subsequently abort me. I didn’t ask for this shit

  12. Half the shit my wife tries to explain always is half assed or backwards in logic and reasoning.

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