I’ve taken a break from drinking, and now it just feels like I’ve become aggressively stern in high energy and completely mopey in low energy. How do you deal?

  1. Try not to cope with everything. Start with one thing at a time.

    Also, therapy. I just talk to someone once a week. No psychiatric diagnosis. Just an objective third party to listen to me ramble about shit I don’t want to unload on to people close to me. It’s kind of cathartic.

  2. Taking a break from drinking is a great first step! Depending on the frequency and intensity of your drinking, you might be going through some physical and/or psychological withdrawal.

    Withdrawal is extremely powerful, and it can be very tempting to give in because “a night of drinking will release my stress!”

    It won’t. It will only dig that hole a little deeper. Keep your head up, eat well, exercise, and give yourself a little slack for a bit to get over this hump!

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