Today is a tired day. I woke up early this morning to try to finish my task for my project, but didn’t manage to do so as I couldn’t stop my brain to think about all those negative stuffs 😔
Soon at 9am, I needed to go to a class. I feel like my friends not talking much to me lately, and I feel very left out. Being physically with them doesn’t make me alone physically, but I can feel the loneliness. This week is such an emotional exhausting week. Tears was in my eyes but I couldn’t let it fall down as I was still in classes.
After the supervisor’s meeting, I went my to my dorm, too tired to cook anything fancy so just went with instant noodles.
I was looking forward to tonight dinner with another friend, so that I can finally relax myself and chill with that friend after a long week. While I was having my quick lunch, she sent a message saying she might be having dinner with her other friends, so dinner with me tonight is cancelled. I couldn’t hold back my tears at that time so I cried.
I tried to stop myself from thinking about all those negative stuffs by forcing myself to continue working on my project. At night, I decided to hit the gym to release stress. Asking another friend whether she’s down to having supper or grab a drink together, but she wasn’t available. Asking another friend again and she’s not available as well.

Didn’t manage to hang out with a single friend for this week. It’s tough going through all the stress by myself with no one physically available to talk to. Most of the time, I start doubting myself whether it’s my issue, why friends keep on leaving me. But I consulted other friends, they reassure me that I’m a good friends to them.

Ya, I guess I just need to find more friends that vibe with me then. That’s the end of my today story, thanks for reading~ and feel free to leave your thoughts and comments~

Remember all these little unhappy accidents might come into our life once in a while, and maybe it’s just a phase! I believe things will get better eventually ✨✨

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