So, I’ve been interested in one of my friends for a while. He’s never really shown any interest in return, but I went ahead and asked him to dinner (over text, terrible, I know.) Anyway, he said yes, but didn’t seem very enthusiastic and it took him a really long time to respond (as he tends to do.) So anyway, my conclusion is that he’s not really into me at the moment. Is it possible for that to change if we start going out? Has anyone developed feelings for someone who was just a friend before?

  1. I did and it did not end well for me lol. Tbf we were kids. He told me that he wasn’t interested in dating me. So I respected him and moved on. Since you asked him out for dinner and he said yes just go with the flow for now. Then have a talk about how you really feel about him.

    Goodluck to you! Communication is always the key

  2. It’s never happened to me, though I’d be disingenuous if I didn’t say I became friends with some of them with the hope it may turn romantic in the future (huge mistake learned my lesson).

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