Be it in person or in a group chat. I say something, there’s no reaction. Another person say exactly the same thing and obtain a wave of reactions and agreement. We’re working on a common project, I give some relevent suggestions, and I don’t have any opinion on it. I try to be very careful of what I say, and sometimes I review what I say and try to see if it was offensive and find why I’m ignored. But I just can’t understand.

I do a lot of efforts in order to better my social skills. Fake confidence and work on my confidence, challenge myself, force myself to listen to people in order to speak accordingly. It’s really exhausting, because it’s not natural for me. So I’m quite frustrated when my efforts don’t show any results. I can’t seem to fit anywhere.

1 comment
  1. Have you tried, not being so politically calculated in what it is that you’re trying to express.

    People are more likely to pay attention if your expressions have attitude, emotion, passion.

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