I’m starting to get into my head before my husband and I have sex because I know what the end result would be.

I can’t stand having to sleep on a soaked bed after a fun session. I just want to cuddle and pass out. I’ve been sleeping in the kids room after because i just can’t deal. Husband literally finds any dry patch and crashes there, it looks ridiculous.

I’ve tried a few mattress protectors but they’re useless. I’ve tried holding myself back but hubz knows the override button so that doesn’t work.

Need solutions any recommendations on effective mattress protectors. I want to enjoy our sex without thinking about the aftermath. Can’t keep airing out the mattress and doing extra laundry. Eventually my kids are gonna think mommy and daddy are bed wetters

  1. My recommendation is waterproof mattress covers and several sets of bedsheets. Post sex, I typically change both waterproof sheet and regular fitted sheet while she’s using the bathroom. Throw the wet stuff in the hamper or directly into the washer. It isn’t sexy, but it works.

  2. My girlfriends squirts a lot. The first time or two we were unprepared. Thereafter one of us just grabs a towel and I put it under her before I go down on her. Fold it in half and it will catch everything this side of a bucket full.

  3. I find that the waterproof bedsheet is a pain to take on and off, so I use a waterproof picnic blanket.

    Soft, fleecy top and waterproof underside. Cheap from anywhere like Amazon. Inconspicuous.

    Throw a towel on top if you need some extra absorption, because as it doesn’t fold over anything, any large volume poses a mild threat of run off..

  4. I got the Amazon waterproof pet blanket. Same thing as sex blanket, is comfortable, and much cheaper!

  5. You already have lots of great suggestions. I’m just posting to say that I absolutely loved your comment about trying to hold yourself back, but “hubz knows the override button”. I almost spit my drink into my computer. 🤣

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