The cheap ones just leave grime all over the glassware, even if you only half fill it, and it really pisses me off.

  1. Norton and McAfee release computer viruses so people buy anti virus software that they make

  2. Items shipped with the main product deliberately have a short shelf life/high failure rate just so you fork out to buy replacements (that seem to last longer).

    Case in point: controllers for both my Xbox One and Series X.

  3. Women’s magazines deliberately publish terrible lifestyle/relationship advice because they know that single and unhappy females ae more likely to continue buying them.

    I expect you can probably extrapolate this theory to include those “self-help” books that Americans love to buy in huge numbers.

  4. Unfortunately, many in this street including the mum in law believe doctors get a commission for every old person they manage to kill off in hospital, thereby decreasing the burden on social care and pensions.

    For this reason, people here do everything they can to avoid going to hospital, including dying, which kind of defeats the point.

  5. I do believe there are a number of vet practises that will give you advice based on highest bill they can run up vs best outcome for your pet and I find this one of the worst and most predatory ways to take advantage of peoples feelings.

    I experienced this when my dog was a puppy, he behaved a little odd once after a spot on flea treatment, nothing severe just a little drowsy, but then this happened again but far worse after the next. He was incredibly drowsy and just seemed to be on a complete trip. Did some digging and saw research into various spot on treatments causing seisures. Called my vet and told them I want an alternative as my dog was reacting to spot ons, they dismissed my claim tried to get me to give him ANOTHER spot on treatment and bring him in for treatment for his condition (they wouldnt even consider the possibility that his “condition” was a symptom of a spot on treatment).


    Well, I changed vets and since then he’s been on tablet form and never had one of these episodes again.

  6. The Planet Money podcast had an episode this week about how Ben & Jerry’s and Häagen-Dazs cooperate to make completely different ice-creams (one company makes crazy combinations with lots of chunks and pieces, the other has plain mostly smooth flavours) and they affect market prices to the extent of making ice-cream 15-20% more expensive.

  7. Not mine but my ex believes that branded goods sold in discount stores are of poorer quality compared to the same goods sold in a normal supermarket. Things like washing powder or teabags.

  8. Mcdonalds over Salt their food to make you thirsty.

    You either mistake the thirst as hunger and buy more food or you buy a drink at a huge markup.

    Can confirm..I worked there

  9. Unless you go to a private school or at the very least Grammar school your chances of playing professional rugby in England are slim

  10. Well, I’ve been using the cheapest Lidl dishwasher tablets for years without any issues, and they clean just as well as any premium ones I have tried.

  11. We are now at a point technologically that you can track on a map your taxi, takeaway or delivery, so you know exactly where it is. This isn’t the case for public transport as it would show up just how shoddy a service they run, even though it would make perfect sense and be incredibly useful. Edit. I’m very pleased to hear some services already do this, bravo, unfortunately this isn’t the case where I live. One day hopefully.

  12. Must middle class jobs are pointless. They exist to frustrate and exhaust the middle classes, so they don’t have the emotional energy to revolt.

  13. I get the really really cheap Morrisons dishwasher tablets and use two, still more cost effective than using the more expensive ones and gets everything clean.

  14. Shoezone must be a money launderer. Never ever see anyone in one but they haven’t gone into admin….

  15. The government makes deliberately ineffective attempts to deal with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Even for the ones they want to ‘control’, they do so in obviously doomed methods like prohibition.

    If the were too effective, they’d have more people living to retirement and costing the state money. It’s far better we have our expensive illnesses young and then die. Keep drinking the Victory Gin, fellow proles.

  16. Just got a dishwasher, looking at the dishwasher tab packets, it’s really hard to tell what the actual difference is between the different kinds of tabs, it’s all so Quantum Ultimate Power All-in-One marketing bullshit that trying to work out what the actual functional difference between them is is nigh-on-impossible.

    Therefore I conclude that the main difference is the packet, the purpose of which is to confuse me into not thinking about it too hard and buying the one that’s right in front of me (which will be more expensive than the one that isn’t)

    Instead I just buy separate powder detergent which is cheapest and also what the dishwasher manufacturer tells me gets best performance (despite the machine coming with tablets not detergent).

    Now for the conspiracy – companies that make big brands like detergents pay supermarkets money to get their products in better shelf position, if you buy supermarket own-brand items, one of the reasons they are cheaper is that they are effectively subsidised by these kinds of payments. Tesco got into a big corporate scandal a few years back when it turned a lot of their profits which they had been reporting were based on manipulating these kinds of payments.

  17. It’s not a coincidence that the weather at Royal events such as weddings is unusually scorching hot. With torrential rain at some point either side of the event. Must be some sort of magic.

  18. Dishwasher tablets are a scam. I just add a couple of drops of washing up liquid in and my plates sparkle every time

  19. I don’t believe that’s a thing.

    Always worth checking you’re setup for the best cleaning:

    – in a hard water area, you’ll need separate salt in the dishwasher
    – check the machine is clean, filters are clear, and spray arms don’t have homes clogged with bits of food

    Do that, use cheap tablets from Lidl and get great results

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