My gf and I have been together for a few months now. I am a college sophmore and she is a college senior. Honestly she is the most beautiful girl I have dated and could probably realistically get.

We usually hang out at her apartment and study, do work together, etc. Last week she decided she wanted peace and quiet and that I “distract” her so she wanted to gag me. I said I would be down, honestly thinking it was a kink thing, but she literally just rolled up a sock, and shoved it in my mouth. I literally sat at a table working on a paper like this for about 10 minutes before deciding its stupid and removing the sock. I said something to her and she came over with a roll of blue masking tape and put a piece over my mouth, literally telling me to not remove it unless im going to leave because i “distract” her. I complied with her wish thinking it was a one time thing. When she realized she had an appointment about an hour later, peeled the tape off, kissed me, and told me i had to leave. Two days later were at my place cuddling and she decides i cant use my God given mouth to speak again, and she tells me to get something so she can gag me. Next thing I know a pair of socks are crammed in my mouth and shes cuddling me like im an object or a stuffed animal. What is her motive here? What should I do? I love this girl and dont want her to leave me but I also love speaking. Maybe im too sensitive idk

  1. This isn’t normal. This isn’t like sexual foreplay. This is really odd behavior that needs to stop. You need to completely stop entertaining this and tell her no. I don’t care how attractive she is, this isn’t the way to treat someone.

  2. You need to have a serious talk about wtf is going on.

    It sounds like she has some psychological thing about gagging you. Not sure if its sexual but whatever it is, you need to know what youre getting into here so you can make an informed decision about whether you want to bail.

    What she is doing is pretty damn disrespectful. And if it IS sexual then she was way out of line pretending it was a noise thing.

  3. She’s either a psycho or you talk way too much and annoying her, it’s really hard to tell with what you’re giving us

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