My ex[28M] Ashton was the worst mistake I could’ve made I dated him for a week and ended up pregnant he tried to pay me for abortion and I declined the money i left at night and never came back.

My son is two months now ashton never called or checked the whole pregnancy or even asked to see him which i was fine with because I didn’t want him around after everything he said. My friend David helped me the whole way he’s my sons god father and i let him name him after him. Being a single mother has its ups and down but i love it.

Ashton and his family found out about this via instagram and kept spamming me. He commented under david’s picture with my son that i posted “imagine letting another man name my son after him I’ll take you to court”

Him and his parents ended up telling my parents im “keeping a father away from his child” when ashton said he didnt want him and could care leas what i do with him. He denied saying it and everybody is on me for keeping my son away from him. All i said was he doesnt have your last name and your not listed as his father fuck off.

List of shit that was said: I dont want it, I’ll pay to get rid of it, fuck you and that baby.

  1. Just block his family on everything, they have no right to tell you how to raise your kid. Ashton sounds like he would be a bad influence so you should definitely keep your kid away from him so he doesn’t end up like him in any way.

  2. Wow. Aren’t you lovely. I hope he sues for a paternity test and partial custody. You knew your child’s father for a week and you think he should have his last name? You walked away. Maybe he did want an abortion at first with the girl he knew for one week, but he obviously wants to know his child now. He’s not an ex. It was one week. What did you expect? A proposal? He deserves to know his child and you should support that.

  3. Girl wtf yeah you need to make a post how they are fucking delusional and you haven’t heard from him in a damn year, so him coming out the woodworks now does nothing but confirm he’s a pos who doesn’t deserve sympathy. Also block every single one of them or make your page for friends only .

  4. You have a lot of growing up to do.

    This is about your child. YOu have a responsibility to facilitate a relationship with his father.

  5. Get the fuck off of social media, block toxic people from your life and raise your kid. If you have full custody then fuck everyone else. If you don’t have full custody, than contact a lawyer and get.

  6. Document everything, record any voice calls with any of them. Be prepared that they may take you to court for paternity/partial custody, limit who can see your social media and ask anyone who’s posting about your child to do the same. I really doubt he cares about your son, probably getting pressure from his family about their new grandchild. Good luck, I hope you’re safe and smart about this because there’s a good chance he’ll end up in your sons life via a court order and you’ll have no control.

  7. You only dated one week and you’re pissed at his reaction to your unplanned pregnancy? I’m sorry you didn’t get the response you wanted but frankly, he didn’t know for certain the baby was even his at that point. One thing you don’t want to do is cause you baby to grow up hating his father because he wasn’t thrilled about your pregnancy. You need to suck it up and take one for the team. He deserves the opportunity to be involved in raising his child.

  8. You need to protect yourself and your son by going to court to establish custody. If you don’t, bio father could take your son and not have to return him until a judge hears the case. This happened to a friend, and was a nightmare to resolve.

  9. Keep him TF away from that kid. He’s clearly mentally unstable and cares only for his image, as opposed to the quality of his character. For peace of mind, have a consult with a lawyer– just 20-60 minutes of their time to confirm he has no legal precedence to interfere in the future. If his name isn’t on the BC, there’s little for him to do, but just check! You owe no one any explanations, let his family who clearly has no idea how to raise a decent person wrestle with their failures amongst themselves.

  10. Your ex is obviously an immature jerk. He wanted nothing to do with him and said so. Actually wanted him aborted. He certainly doesn’t sound like father material to me. Do what you feel is best. If the ex gets serious and takes you to court then all you can do is explain this to the judge. Good luck OP.

  11. Tell him you were with someone else at the time you got pregnant. I know it’s lying but if you don’t want him in the picture do what needs to be done.

  12. I imagine the second you look for appropriate financial support for child that he will suddenly vanish again

  13. You need to talk to a lawyer and establish how to get protected. Also document everything he said and take screenshots (with date) of all the things he’s saying online. If he takes you to court, he’ll end up having to pay child support and if you have a well documented case, he won’t even get custody, but talk to a lawyer. I don’t agree with blocking, you need to document everything just in case he actually goes to court himself.

  14. If your ex isn’t named on the birth certificate, he has no legal rights.

    You need to talk to a lawyer, just in case, though.

  15. A lot of you have never known the pain and suffering inflicted by unworthy sperm donors and it shows. I’m not married nor do I have children but I’ve seen it in the lives of women I’ve dated.

    It is an unfortunate reality that sometimes keeping a kid away from the bio is 100% the right thing to do. If you disagree it’s only because you haven’t seen it happen, yet. So maybe leave this discussion to the ones who have seen it.

  16. What’s the question here? Let him take you to court then. If he really wants to be in the child’s life, he can go to court for paternity, get his name added to the Birth Cert and get parental rights. Until he does that, he can stfu and gtfo.

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