I (21M) have been seeing this girl (19F) for 7 months and we didn’t move to a relationship because she is working on her mental health issues first. We still act like a couple when together but haven’t introduce each other to our parents.

For the longest time I thought that it was fine waiting for her to be ready for a relationship with me because she assured me that it was just me and she wanted to be at her best before committing to me.

We do lots of stuff together like we see each other at least every weekend because we have school during the week. But we still text everyday and we do cutesy “couple” things like she wears my sweater to class, I wear bracelets she makes me, we spend some weekends in my house overnight, we go out a lot, etc.

Something that has been bothering me though, is that everytime she sends nudes to me, her snapscore doubles or triples, which is unusual because it should only go up by one if its sent just to me.

There has been one time where she wasn’t about to go out with me because she was busy but wouldn’t tell me what she was up to.

There has also been instances where she might text someone on her phone but like hide her phone or turn on Do Not Disturb mode.

I know we aren’t officially exclusive, and I know I can’t do anything about it, but the feeling of sharing HER with other guys makes me extremely uncomfortable even though I know I’m her number one option, but not her only option.

Like on the brightside, she gives me so much attention and effort with me, but then this also makes me think that maybe she does this to other people.

So I’m conflicted on whether I should cut ties or stick along because of the benefits I get. I really don’t know what to do here.

I feel like I would/will be hurt with either option if cutting ties or sticking around hoping for exclusivity

1 comment
  1. This isn’t a wait while I fix my mental health issue thing, this is a wait and see which guy I like the most thing. Which that’s okay for her if that’s what she wants to do, but that needs to be communicated. Putting you in this position saying it’s to work on herself is crappy. If you’re upset about not being exclusive, communicate that with her.

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