E:boy age 15
T:girl age 14
Me:girl age 14
R:girl age 14

So I’m friends with this guy at school(E) and I’ve had a crush on him for months. I believe he has a small crush on me or used to at least till he met this girl online(T) through a video game. They haven’t met in real life and it’s long distance. E, T and I have a group chat we talk on daily. She seems like a really good person so I made sure to have her back and put my feelings aside even if I’m hurting in the process. All my friends know I have a crush on E. One of them(R) decides she’ll be a double agent for me since they have the same bus stop. Till now E and R have had little to no interaction. Then today R says she has a crush on E. She tells me that she got to know him a little bit over break but didn’t really have feelings for him till now. I play it cool trying not to cry and say it’s ok. Then during lunch R talks with me alone and says how long distance relationships can be broken and I get a little frustrated for T because she’s disregarding her completely even though she knows about them. She even jokes about asking him to the approaching dance. Heck T was the only reason I didn’t tell E about my feelings. Finally at the end of school as I walk out I see R talking to E and when she sees me she looks a little threatened. Mind you it has only been a few days since she has even talked to him a lot. I join them in their conversation and she leaves for school sports practice. She says bye to E but when I say bye she doesn’t even look back. Up till now R has been a lovely friend. Yes we’re somewhat rivals in singing and academics but we’ve never let that get in the way. What should I do? I don’t know if I’m in the wrong here. Please tell me your advice.

TL;DR My friend has a crush on my crush and she is disregarding the fact he has a gf. She’s only really talked to him for a few days and is aware of my feelings.

  1. This is silly, neither of you are even dating this boy. Just focus on the friendships you have, if the one keeps being weird and competitive out some space between you until she matures.

  2. It’s ok to crush on someone that is “spoken for”~ or that your friend likes.
    Crushes come and go- especially at your ages. Just focus on your friendship and acknowledge you both find someone cute and fun and that’s ok!

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