I love embracing a man. When I’m in a relationship I love everything about my partner. Kissing every part of his face is my favorite. I want to ask if it can become overbearing for some. Or at least what works best for you? I’d say I’d know when to give him his space, but if I get the chance to cuddle I want it. I understand some men aren’t affectionate tho.

  1. I am physically affectionate all the time, so I like it reciprocated all the time. It’s just how I show love and feel loved.

  2. There isn’t really an upper limit for too much affection, especially sexual affection directed from a woman towards a man.

  3. It can. Best thing to do is having a short casual conversation with your partner about it. I personally like physical touch but words is much more affectionate for me.

  4. Boundaries are different for each person. I’m a very physically affectionate man, I love when my partner initiates hugs and kisses and cuddles, and I’m just as likely or more so to be the one initiating. But there’s plenty of guys who can’t stand too much affection, and many others who are somewhere in between. There is no one rule for how much affection is too much or too little, it all comes down to who you are in a relationship. If you’re not sure, ask! Communication is so so important

  5. Imagine you are watering a plant. Too much water and you drown it. Not enough water and you starve it. But just the perfect amount and it will flourish.

    Same with affection. You’ll know the right amount by his response. Reddit can’t help you on this.

  6. Boundaries are different for each person, so it’s important to communicate and figure out together what works best for your relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner how they feel about physical affection and respect their boundaries. Don’t let Reddit tell you how much is too much or too little!

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