What are your plans this Sunday?

  1. Getting some time in at the driving range and attempting to distract myself from the shitshow I have to face tomorrow

  2. My daughter’s birthday party.

    Then one of the least interesting Super Bowl match ups in years.

  3. We had a company coming over to watch the game, but unfortunately due to illness we had to cancel the party.

    So, I’ve got piles of food and not many people to eat it. Ah well. Could be worse.

    Still pretty stoked and it should be a fun game.

    I might go de-winterize the motorcycle so I can take it for a spin tomorrow.

  4. Preparing a garden bed for the crops that go in on the 15th (carrots, peas, spinach).

  5. I am doing everything in my power not to spend a few more hours working this week. I have a deadline Friday and I’m _pretty_ sure I can hit it just with work during the week… but I’d feel a lot more confident if I spent a few more hours this weekend on it. Alas, I’m at 50 this week and Satisfactory is keeping me entertained.

    And really: just not driving anywhere. Between the Super Bowl and the golf tournament, traffic has been an absolute nightmare near me the last few days.

  6. Making turkey chili and picking something off of Criterion to watch, usually either a screwball comedy or a 40s noir. But we might pick something else.

  7. There’s a pretty important football game on tonight, and my fiancée and I will be watching commercials from that game with the kids.

  8. We had Chinese for an early lunch to leave room for Super Bowl food at home. Hanky Panky, hot wings, various cheese dips, hard cheeses and crackers, and maybe some shrimp dip. Watch a little football, catch a few commercials, and drink some booze. I do miss all the massive parties for the big game, but old men get too comfortable to travel on Sunday nights

  9. Work lol

    Then maybe do some coding practice or suffer through my hardcore FO4 playthrough some more

  10. Staying in, reading comic books.

    I still can’t get over Promethea Chapter 12 in book 1. Moore is fucking insane but a genius.

  11. I’m studying for my analysis midterm, then doing the waltz for about half an hour and watching the Super Bowl

  12. Making a run to MD Oriental Market in St Pete. It’s quite a-ways away so I only go once a week on Sundays, but there aren’t any Asian markets near me that are anywhere near as good. The missus is Chinese, and she needs her Chinese goods.

    Our fence was badly weakened from hurricane Ian, even though we avoided the brunt of it. A section fell down months ago and I put it back up. Now another section fell down, so I need to put that one back up today. We probably need to get a whole new fence at some point.

    Chinese have this thing where they don’t tell anyone that they’re pregnant until the first trimester is over. Well, today’s the end of the first trimester for us. So, we’ll be sending out word to our friends and family.

    AAAAAAnd I only just now discovered that today is Super Bowl Sunday as I was typing this and decided to look down at some of the answers before submitting…

  13. Attending a family Christmas gathering that couldn’t easily happen a couple months ago

  14. A nice, leisurely relaxing Sunday. Not watching the Super Bowl because I don’t give a shit about sports.

  15. Probably just going to go for a walk and then relax and play video games. I might watch parts of the Super Bowl and will at least check the score every now and then. I don’t care enough about it to watch the whole thing though

  16. Recover from the music festival I was at / helping throw Friday and Saturday. I just got more sleep this morning than the previous two night combined.

  17. Its a beautiful sunny day in Vermont, so we went cross country skiing on the cross-state rail trail.

  18. Drink beer, eat a lot of food, probably say something stupid, embarrass my wife, might take a vacation day tomorrow. Will absolutely call an Uber though, don’t drink and drive America!!

    I’m kinda siding with Christian McCaffery on this one, I don’t really care for both of these teams… but it is cool to see two brothers playing each other. Rihanna’s Super Bowl show will scratch my millennial nostalgia itch too.. probably.

    Also, I’m glad it’s all over for a while. Football takes up alot of my Sunday, especially when you do fantasy stuff. Fishing season about to heat up just in time.

  19. Already got the important stuff done – church and Walmart (that sounds so southern, doesn’t it?). Now I’ll see what shape the sky is in and maybe grab a couple pictures if it’s colorful enough as the sun goes down. Later, dinner from the “super bowl” of macaroni I cooked up last night and a screwball flick or two to watch on Criterion. Discovering the genius of Preston Sturges and George Stevens.

  20. Normal day. Im not interested in sports or anything like that. Is it weird I only care about it for the ads?

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