So there’s a girl I’ve liked for a few months now. We’re very compatible, she’s super funny and pretty, and it seemed like she was into me. The first interaction we had was during callbacks for a show; we read our scene together (after she laughed at every one of my pre-callback jokes), and on her way out she turned around, complimented me on my work, waved goodbye, and left. I was like, “Okay, she’s just being friendly,” and left it at that.

During rehearsals, stuff started to go down: she kept walking up and initiating totally random conversations with me, cracking random jokes and telling me about upcoming trips; I kept catching her making and steadily maintaining eye contact for no reason; she continued to laugh/giggle at all of my jokes, and at me in general. On a number of occasions I would hold my hand out to fist-bump somebody else; she’d bump my fist first and grin at me. Any time I caught her eye she smiled, and whenever she struggled to remember choreography or blocking her gaze would slide over to me. I started suspecting she was into me, but had been burned before for jumping to conclusions and decided to see how it played out. I asked my friends what vibes they were getting; they all agreed she was interested–one of my friends is a synesthetic empath who can see people’s emotions as colorful apparitions emanating from their skin, and that friend said she was getting all sorts of interested vibes (note that it isn’t an exact science so to speak, she says everyone has different colors for different emotions and it can take months to figure out exactly what somebody is feeling at a given time). They all said she acted way different around me than she did around her other friends: she always seemed more focused, more intentional, and (again) more giggly.

Finally I was like, “Yeah, she likes me,” and asked if it would be weird for me to ask for her number. She said, plain and simple, “No” (as in no it wouldn’t be weird), giggled, and pulled out her phone. I texted her the next morning, and one more time a few days later to ask how one of her recent trips was.

I got nothing back.

For days.

Finally, she texted me back a week after I got her number. The afternoon before our next rehearsal (we had been on break for a little while), she finally replied:

“Pretty good”

And now she’s been acting more reserved around me. She hasn’t walked up and initiated a conversation since then, she is less giggly, she no longer makes and maintains constant eye contact. She seemed off that rehearsal, depressed and reclusive, to a degree that would have made it unreasonable to assume it was about me; perhaps whatever caused the depression is why she doesn’t seem interested any more, but it seems more likely I had misread the signals and my empath friend was wrong, considering she’s on her phone and texting a lot. I haven’t texted her since then, which was about two weeks ago. She still seems a little off, sitting by herself and on her phone most of the time–her friends are the ones who go sit down next to her, and so far it hasn’t been the other way around.

If I misread the signals, that’s fine, and I know I’ll find somebody else; I mostly just want to know why she was acting that way around me, and how I can get back to a healthy friendzone.

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