A few days ago I witnessed a weird scene at Queens Park. One of the kids pushed another kid to the ground. The mother of the kid who was pushed informed the mother of the bully about what had happened. To my surprise, the bully’s mother responded “it’s the way we live, isn’t? You either get pushed or push others.”
What would you do if you were the mother of the pushed child?

  1. According to the vast majority on the top thread today on bullying, her logic is correct. “You either get pushed or push others.” Nearly everyone agreed push them so they don’t push you anymore.

    I was told to turn the other cheek growing up. That was certainly not good advice.

  2. Twat the mother round the head with your handbag, ‘cos that’s the way you live. Innit.

  3. Maybe take a photo of her …. then write to the local rag and tell them the story …. try to shame her in to teaching her kids to play nice. ’bout all you can do really.

  4. Smile, pretend to ignore it. Follow them home. Find out where they live. Start a coordinated and targeted attack on every facet of their lives….

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