Last night I had a party and a woman I went to school with many years ago comes up from behind, wraps her arms around me and hugs me from behind. She does this on two different occasions during the night. She also cited a song text which was “It would be so easy for me to say that I don’t like you… but I think I do”

What is the meaning of a hug from behind?

  1. I’d say she probably just wanted to give you a hug because you guys reunited! I know that others are saying that she might be into you, but I wouldn’t accept that idea that a girl hugging you from behind immediately means that she likes you. Maybe keep an eye on her and pick up other actions that might signal that she likes you, but she might just be a touchy person and wanted to hug you since you guys haven’t been around each other since high school.

  2. Sometimes I think people exaggerate when they say some men are clueless about signals, but posts like this one make me believe that they’re right.

  3. Was she drunk? If so, don’t automatically make the assumption she wants you sober too. Some women are just touchy and some just get horny drunk. At that party though, she definitely wanted you, just don’t over assume based on that. I’d just ask her to go do something sometime.

  4. She def likes u. I’m a girl and I wouldn’t hug somebody from behind unless I was into them!

  5. Sometimes a hug from behind by a woman is a non romantic gesture so you don’t have to deal with full frontal contact. She may be testing the waters to see if you like her. A guy I knew used to playfully kiss me on the top of my head as if I were a child, so it was confusing at first. In his case, he was interested.

  6. It means she’s hinting something. We don’t know what, we can speculate she might be into you. Best you can do is talk to her, get to know her, and confirm whether she is into you.

  7. sexul assault. By my experience cause I’ve been in a habit of Going behind women and massaging their shoulders and saying daddy’s home. I was arrested and now I have a restraining.

  8. “WhAt DoEs ThIs MeAn?!” Pull your head out. I don’t think it gets more obvious than this.

  9. Message her and that it was really great to see her and you’d love to get a drink or coffee sometime to catch up more! She can either enthusiastically agree, shy away, or flat out turn you down – either way, no damage done and you’ll have your answer.

  10. the hug is up for debate (flirty imo) but the song lyrics are pretty clear. how did she cite them?

  11. You will have a flashback of that memory a decade later and still ask the same question 😂

  12. She big time likes you. And I think she knows this might be awkward for you so she’s making the move first.

    Well if my awkward ass had the courage this is what I’d do and say. I don’t even know that song but it’s perfect.

  13. Do you like her? If yes then she just gave you a few signs to proceed with the courting.

    If your scared it’s a trap, proceed scared, and you will learn something new.

  14. Something similar happened to me at a party. A woman I was into but have always been afraid to approach hugged me from behind, but like really hard. So hard that she was actually grinding her pelvis on my butt.

    As she did that, she made a fist with one of her hands and started digging it into my torso, like right under my rib cage. And she kept pushing that fist inward and upward with her other hand, like so hard that it hurt. And then all of a sudden the piece of food I had been choking on flew out of my mouth.

    So, do you think she’s into me?

  15. A lot if ppl in these comments forgetting ab the song lyrics. If it wasn’t for that everything else is up for debate. But some women just be doing shit way too expressive that they’d even agree later on that a they could’ve been misleading

  16. Personally, I think that type of hug is very intimate, affectionate, and sexual. I would never do that to a friend, family member, or someone I didn’t want to date. I’m surprised to hear that anybody does that casually — definitely ask her out!

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