I’ve been part of friend group and once I hanged out with one of the guys. We had a moment, kissed and days later he told me he doesn’t want anything with me. I accepted it and told I’m happy to stay friends with me.

However I stopped getting invitations to hang out with our group. I see on social media how much they spend time together. I sent msg to the guy to ask if we are fine and he sweared we are cool and he is not avoiding me. Apprently no one knows a out our kiss.

I’ve been crying today and I feel very lonely. The group has been important to me. Throughout my whole life I felt I never belonged anywhere but this group was the first one that felt it came closest to that.

I’m turning 30 soon and I haven’t plan anything. I’m so afraid no one will show up. How can I gain my energy back and feel included again?

1 comment
  1. Honestly, it sucks when you have to chase friendships, I’d rather just let it go and make new friends who actually value me.
    However, if this group is important to you, try making one on one plans with the people closest to you. It might help you find your way back to the group and figure out why you’re being excluded.

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