Fellow ladies, What is your opinion on eHarmony? Is it worth it?

  1. Sadly, most dating apps throttled their matches. They’re never intended to actually work, they are intended to keep people on the app and searching.

  2. I met my partner of 11 years on eHarmony. Then at least, it seemed like the people on there were more commitment-minded than on other sites.

  3. eHarmony was started by extreme christians trying to match other bible-thumpers so their questions are all slanted for that goal. Then they got sued and were forced to open up to other users but never updated their questions. Their current practice of not allowing refunds and holding users hostage makes them a site to avoid.

  4. I’d say not. I spent a year on there and felt like there was very little engagement. The filters are not very helpful at all and the profiles were pretty limited in what you can put up. I wanted to quit after 3 months but couldn’t get a refund.

  5. My friend and I matched with the same guy, I passed on him, but she dated him for awhile. They went on a trip together near her family. He left after a week, she stayed on for a longer visit. She wasn’t aware they had broken up until another friend let her know he had obviously re-activated his profile as soon as he got home (and added cute pics of himself with her nephew to it.) Her friend knew because SHE matched with him, too!!

  6. Are they still refusing to match people who identify as atheist, agnostic or any form of LGBTQIA? If that’s the case, I sincerely doubt I’d find anyone who shared my values on there.

  7. I’d personally say no. Not because of eHarmony itself, but because there are many free ways of meeting your match.

  8. My mom and my uncle both met their spouses on eHarmony. My mom keeps asking me to let her purchase me a membership, but I don’t want to deal with that.

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