I’m at uni, and people make friends quickly. They meet one day, and soon they’re touching around joking and going out together. I can’t ever seem to be on that level, people seem happy to stay as an acquaintance and I don’t know how I can artificially push things in that direction. I’m not close enough with anyone to initiate anything, much less personal meet ups or chats, but in a group setting like a night out with the flat I’m the one in the sidelines while they mess around.

1 comment
  1. Honestly, this will sound terrible but its for the best

    There is no way to become good friends with someone artificially. Its going to happen naturally or not at all.

    Now for the hard part.

    Being friends is a 2 way street. I often see people talking about how you just need to ask questions about a person and it will make them like you more. That is true, however. You also need to be interesting person with hobbies and interests outside of those friend. So when they ask you a question you can answer that question in a interesting way. Now i dont know you so you might have this already, in that case you need to be more confident and start talking, and to get peoples attention

    Find hobbies, maybe a sport, something like that. Finding friends at uni is very easy. Finding real friends is always hard. So good luck.

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