Im in university and doing a team project right now. There’s 4 of us and this one girl has been almost completely ignoring me ever since we got together.

We all exchanged numbers with each other and I texted her first. She was giving me one word responses then she just ignored me completely.

Today her and my group quickly discussed what topic we’d be studying and another member came over to me and told me they’ve all made their mind on what the subject is going to be so I said ok I’m fine with that. That girl ignored me again.

As I’m waiting for the train I look up from my phone and she’s passing me and for the first time she locked eyes with me and smiled. What was that all about ? She’s never bothered to even look at me in person nor acknowledge my existence.

TDLR – girl in my group project has been ignoring me up until late then she smiled at me at the station.

  1. Sounds like she doesn’t care about the group project. Chances are that she smiled when you two met eyes because it’s awkward otherwise. If she was into you, you would know it.

  2. Sounds like she smiled to show her good will.

    ‘Ignoring you’ could be any number of things – not wanting to lose her train of thought, expecting others in the group to answer you, being caught up in talking to the other two members, having priorities outside of the project, working better alone / being more hands off, shyness, being hesitant to interact with male peers based on past experience, finding you off-putting, ad infinitum.

    The smiling, though, that’s a very standard thing to do out of politeness.

    “(…) another member came over to me and told me they’ve all made their mind on what the subject is going to be so I said ok I’m fine with that. That girl ignored me again.”
    Did she even need to say anything to you at the time?

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