After approximately how many dates with someone do you think it’s the right time to become officially a couple?

  1. We were 3 months in before we had an actual, albeit brief, conversation to “make it official”. But, we knew well before then that neither of us were dating or seeing anyone else. When you know, you know. Don’t rely on society standards to decide if the person you’re worth is with your time pursing.

  2. One.

    Let me say that this is a “me” rule; I don’t expect everyone to follow suit. But for me, it doesn’t make sense to follow other leads while I’m dating someone. I’m not so desperate to find someone that I need to juggle multiple prospects while I look. Being in a relationship isn’t so serious that I need to have backup plans until things look promising. Again, that’s just me. Other people can do as they like.

  3. When you discuss. Some guys it was 2 weeks. Some it was months. I definitely think good relationships it comes quick and easy and the conversation is a forgone conclusion

  4. My boyfriend and I went on at least 1 date a week for like 2 1/2 months before we officially confirmed we were a couple

  5. I think it’s wise to wait at least 3 months 🙂 in my opinion, it takes about that long for people to show their true colors and the rose colored goggles to begin to fade.

  6. Gotta figure it out with the person, after knowing what you want for yourself. Also should know what the other person considers “dating” v “exclusive” v using labels etc

    For instance: girl and dude are hooking up and hanging out over many months. he says they’re dating. she hears dating and tells people they’re bc/gf. he’s like, Uhm no I said dating not exclusive, so we’re not bc/gf.

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