I noticed I started getting quite anxious before going on dates but if I got really horny before the date and masturbated, any trace of anxiety was dead in its tracks.

It looks like one of the best ways I have experienced to kill anxiety and be present and I’m interested to figure out how I can apply this in life i.e. when I feel anxiety, thinking about sex in order to kill it instantly.

I remember reading a book a while ago that talked about sexual transmutation and wonder if this is in any way related or if anyone can share some further insights into the relationship between sexual energy and anxiety.

  1. When we orgasm, our brain releases chemical components that make us feel relaxed, relieving stress. That is simply it. Many men also do it before a date because then it will retard the ejaculation when having actual sex.

    It can also be used during daily life if you feel too much anxiety towards some task/chore. However it is not ideal to overdo it, as it will backfire, leaving you too tired to perform whatever task at hand.

  2. Yes and stress… they say that is what drove the boomer generation…everyone came home from war

  3. I have horrible anxiety. Social anxiety. Panic attacks and anxiety attacks. People donā€™t understand that thereā€™s a difference. Both, debilitating to me 75% of the time. Sex, relieves anxiety and panic. The connection feels so safe to me. Sex works way better than masturbating, but it is what it is and I will take what I can get. Even if itā€™s myself. Hell yes, orgasm releases chemicals and hormones and beautiful things that crush anxiety. Iā€™m feeling a little anxious now, lol!

  4. So I commented that I thought sex was a better reliever of anxiety than masturbation. From my experience sex, with the right person, can bring closeness, intimacy, safety, gentleness. Things that sooth your soul, sooth your anxiety. Really great connected sex can relieve my anxiety for days.

  5. Dang I wish being horny killed my anxiety. It would solve so many problems for me šŸ˜…

  6. There are several subreddits that are here to allow ā€œsextingā€ There you can engage in sexual activity with absolutely no chance of pregnancy, and women in particular have significant sexual fantasies that can easily be addressed by an understanding sexting partner who is sexting because of issues in his own life. Just be very open and expressive about what emotions you are experiencing at the moment. Are you both masturbating? You better believe it!

  7. Being horny kills your need to pee!! I only use it in extreme cases because it feels odd to feed dirty thoughts while working but it’s definitely been a life saver multiple times

  8. TIL that I wonā€™t have panic attacks in class anymore if I start jacking off. I shall apply this knowledge in my everyday life, thanks, OP!

  9. Am I the only one here that’s thinking it’s supposed to say “Orgasms kill anxiety” and not “Being Horny?” When I’m horny, I am actually experiencing an elevated state of anxiety. I’m anxious to have an orgasm. After I achieve orgasm, I feel relaxed. Sure, there were two factors that you observed that seemed to coincide with your pre-date anxiety. 1. You were horny. 2. You masturbated. It wasn’t being horny that made “any trace of anxiety dead in its tracks.” It was being horny…..that caused you to masturbate…..that made anxiety dead in its tracks. Here’s the cart. Put it BEHIND the horse and all will be well. Yanking your tallywhacker before a date is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It brings two benefits. It relieves predate anxiety AND it CAN help you to last longer if you end up having sex.

  10. Jerking off is a good stress reliever for sure. Also I’ve had something like that during intercourse (not necessarily merely being horny, or masturbating), both my wife and I are like who-gives-a-fuck. Our dog will bark in the distance and normally you’d go, what’s he barking at? but during sex we just keep doing it and like hardly hear that he’s barking. Or we were doing it in the shower once and a whole suction cupped rack of shampoo fell off the wall of the shower and crashed to the shower floor and we were like yeah fuck that/who cares and just kept on surging ahead. Subconsciously I knew it was enough of a crash that just sitting around non aroused we’d a been like, WTF was THAT! And I think I did read online that there’s a hormone or something actually during intercourse where you experience less pain, less worry, less give-a-shit. Maybe not kill general anxiety per se, but sure as hell makes ya not have as many cares in this world, during sex. So that’s my penny’s worth comment.

  11. Masturbation or sexual activity can temporarily relieve anxiety for some people due to the release of endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals, but it’s not a long-term solution. It’s important to address the underlying causes of anxiety through therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, or other forms of treatment. Using sexual activity as a way to manage anxiety could lead to other problems and it’s best to speak with a mental health professional for effective treatment.

  12. Yep, Was only just taking about this yesterday, when I’m horny I can take on the world and all my problems fade away it’s like being a few beers deep. Although soon as I cum my anxiety creeps back in quick

  13. Look at it evolutionaryily. Why are 8 billion people on this planet? The mechanism for such is right inside “Post-nur clariry’ is also 5he same.

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