I(31F) have been in relationship with my partner (32 F) for about 15 months. We are in a LDR but we kept meeting after every month or so. Because of difference in our love language we have always had arguments. Last October when she was visiting me we had a huge fight and after that things have been downhill. She told me when we met again in December that she doesn’t know if she feels the same and that she needs time to figure things out. It has been nearly 2 months and everytime i ask her she still says that she is not clear if she wants to be with me. If i try to ask more she shuts down even further. She does tell me that she wants me to wait and that she just doesn’t feel like herself now. She has been clinically depressed for couple of years now.
I have worked on my issues and the way i can communicate better. I just love her so much that the idea of losing her is unbearable to me.
Am I just in denial about the relationship being over?! Or all i need is patience until she figures it out.
I just miss her so much and it breaks my heart knowing that she is okay with being away from me.

1 comment
  1. > Am I just in denial about the relationship being over?!

    Yes, it’s over. Two months is more than enough for her to figure out if she wants to be together.

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