What was the process like? Still want to just mess around with girls and not care, but I can’t seem to stop.

Serious question.

  1. That sounds more like sex addiction. You may want to seek professional help with that one. Good luck, friend.

  2. For me the process began at me wanting to take my religion more serious, obviously it’s still difficult and temptation will get the better of you sometimes.

    The best advice I could give you is don’t put yourself in situations that will give you the opportunity to screw up. Also limit how often you hang out with friends that are also fboys.

    Good luck bro, trust me you will feel much better. Meaningless things with girls will chip away at you slowly, maybe you’ve already found out the hard way and that’s why you wanna stop.

  3. F Boy is a C-tier insult used by bitter women, I never changed, I slept with as many people as it took until I found one I wanted to date fulltime.

  4. I realized i was just looking for nuts in the most complicated way possible. Especially considering that male sex toys are now easily found and prices are reasonably affordable a flesh light goes for about 80$ and they feel really close to the real deal. And i was tired of the fboi grind.

  5. I think “f boy” is the equivalent of “slut” for girls. It’s stupid and offensive.

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