TL: DR -> broke up with someone, now I regret it. What do I do to get over this feeling?

So yesterday, I had ended things with a guy I was seeing for close to 2 months. We went on 5 dates in total and although I loved his presence and personality, I couldn’t see a future with him (like even months down the line). So I broke it up over a voice note (I tried to call but he was really busy that day and doing it in person felt weird cause he would have to drive far out to me just so I could end it and I don’t think anyone deserves that disrespect).
Anyway I did it, he replied and said he enjoyed our time, he complimented me (ie you’re so pretty, and smart etc) but he said I should have told him sooner and never to text him again and blocked my number and ig (which he has every right to do). But now I can’t shake the feeling that I made a mistake. Like I miss him so much and wish I never did it. ***This is not for a pity post, I know I’m the asshole, I’m just looking to see if anyone has experienced it this before and how they got over it***

  1. Breaking up with someone doesn’t make you a bad guy. I recently went through this with my ex. He’s a fantastic guy and there’s a lot of great things about him that I loved but he’s just not the right one for me. We dated for 2 years and if you’re having doubts 2 months in it definitely sounds like he’s not the guy for you. Just because nothing is wrong doesn’t make it the right relationship. Same advice I tell myself, keep looking forward because when you find the right person you won’t have those doubts.

  2. Make yourself a list of the reasons you couldn’t see a future with him to remind yourself why this was the right choice. You can reread it when you need to.

  3. Break ups suck, then when they’re completely warranted. I was once in a relationship with a guy for a year, hated every minute of it (it was a silly teenage relationship I was in for silly reasons), and when it finally came to an end, I felt bad and wondered if I’d made a mistake!

    Honestly, the way this guy handled the breakup sounds pretty immature. I think you feel bad because his response was designed to make you feel bad. After 2 months and 5 dates, why did he have to be so dramatic about it? Why couldn’t he have just said, “thanks for letting me know, best wishes for the future” and then processed his feelings in private? The “never text me again!” seems just petty and dramatic.

    You’ll be fine. Give yourself a few days, you’ll start to feel better.

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