Where do you plan to watch the Superbowl tonight?

  1. The only bowl i like is full of cereal and chocolate flavored milk, i will watch it (before eating it) tomorrow morning, just like every morning.

  2. At home, have a stinking cold so not going to the party with my mates. On the bright side I can eat all the snacks I no longer have to share all night long.

  3. I care more about the six nations than the superb owl, and I don’t really care much about the six nations.

  4. The NFL lost me like a decade ago when they nerfed the defense resulting Brady and Manning breaking all the records

  5. My plans fell through. I have no friends. I went to restaurant alone. I’m drunk in a corner looking like a retard (I get an R word pass cuz I’m autistic also words can’t hurt you get over it) waitress is cute. Goodnight.

  6. My plans fell through. I have no friends. I went to restaurant alone. I’m drunk in a corner looking like a retard (I get an R word pass cuz I’m autistic also words can’t hurt you get over it) waitress is cute. Goodnight.

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