My neighbor asked me for my phone number to keep in contact. We were chatting constantly for like 2 weeks. In person looks like a shy guy, by chat all the opposite (talkative, funny, flirting)… Then by chat he was getting more intense, insinuating wanting kisses and going with the flow with no compromise. I declined, he is now acting totally different, no conversation, avoidant, and after that event we don’t chat anymore nor I see efforts on him of trying to talk with me in person like before. Just greetings whenever we find each other on our way in the neighborhood. When I confronted him to why his attitude he just said that he was getting scare of me because we were talking (chatting) too much….wtf!? I mean, you asked for my phone to talk…

I just didn’t comprehend why he can’t just forget it and be friends, like normally people do with people we have some things in common (reason why he asked for my phone number, to be friends and talk). Now that he avoids me, I’m starting to feel attracted, now I’m the one who wants not just to kiss him, but to eat him alive, lol. Though, I tend to replicate a person’s attitude when trying to avoid me and without hesitation I could send all to hell as well…

However, I’m new in this country, totally alone, introvert, and the one person who approached at first, does not talk with me anymore. I want to be her friend because of things we got in common and he is just now avoiding me and seems tired of me as when I talk to him , he’s just responding with short words and that’s it , bye bye …What can I do?

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