What are some rules for a no stings attached relationship?

  1. Be open, be friendly (of course) and treat each other with respect. There’s not really any such things as no strings because those aren’t relationships, so be kind to each other and behave as you would like to be treated yourself.

    Done well it can be a treat for both.

  2. Typically, the rules for me are this:

    You can come over once a week, stay the night, and have to leave in the morning.

    Only contact me the day before and after our appointment.

    If you orgasm I get to finish in your butt.

    That’s about it.

  3. For FWB?
    No personal items are left at either house. Keep a sleep over bag if you must.
    Joint visits with family are a absolute no.
    No resources can be exchanged. Money, property and such.

    Those are my absolute rules.

  4. As a woman my advice to my male and female friends is always:
    – don’t text casually. Limit contact to clarifying when to meet
    – don’t spend the night at all (or if so, not regularly)
    – always use a condom!

    I have found if I do these things and they do too I don’t get feelings. Don’t get me wrong, we would still have dinner or enjoy each others company but the boundaries helped me avoid getting attached (which is a natural result of intimacy typically). And there is nothing wrong with being attached so never beat yourself up for feelings but sometimes it’s not the right time.. or you know the person isn’t who you want to be with and it’s easier to avoid getting attached.

    – Finally, if someone says they want something casual but treats you like a partner.. listen to their words and not their actions. And leave. This hardly ever ends well.

  5. Don’t watch every move they make.

    Or every bond they break.

    Or every step they take.

    Don’t be watching them.

  6. Don’t get mad if your friend/sister gets married and the guy still stays no strings. Don’t get mad you ‘wasted time’

  7. I can assure you this is not going to end well, it never does. They almost always want a relationship sooner or later. If you guys already have a good friendship ask yourself if it’s worth ruining over something like this.

    If not, be ready to walk away when you feel you’re being drawn into more than you bargained for in the beginning. You must be ready to be ruthless, goodluck man.

  8. Generally speaking, “no-string-attached” and “relationship” don’t go in the same sentence. You can can FWB, you can fuckbuddy, you can one-night stand, etc., but none of those are a relationship in the traditional sense.

    Some context might help give you a more direct answer, but it would start with adult conversation defining what you want to do with a clear stipulation that it not lead to romance, relationship, or attachment.

  9. No strings attached relationships require a few ground rules that both parties should agree to. Mutual respect, clear communication, no resources exchanged and absolute discretion are essential for healthy boundaries. No personal items left over at either house; keep a sleepover bag if you must. Joint visits with family are an absolute no. These are just a few of the guidelines to follow!

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