All is left is discord account with last online “friend” that I know more than 2 years (we are both males, 30+). We used to play same online game, which I stop playing recently. I stop initiating conversations and he didn’t write me anything since it (more than 3 weeks).

I’m thinking about deleting discord account if this continues one more week. So I’ll be friendless, but what will change? Forums/message boards (like reddit and 4chan) will became my only places for social interaction (can I call it “social”?).

  1. If you want to remain friends with him then initiate the conversation again. He responds to you he just doesn’t initiate that’s ok. Everyone has their hang ups, he probably thinks you don’t want to talk to him anymore.

  2. Cold harsh truth: you CANNOT build a genuine connection with anybody if your only form of communication is online. You cannot convey tone or emotions through text. You can’t see body language. Worst of all, You always will become anxious and overtime become needy especially when they don’t text you back for whatever reason. Learn how to genuinely connect with people in person. Message/text/DM people to set up a face to face communication or to an actual in person activity. You’ll stand out considerably. Read all the tips listed here, especially the ones on genuinely connecting with people, interacting in person, and adding value to people’s lives:

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